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12-volt electrical work is one of our specialties.  We eliminate short circuits, open circuits, intermittent electrical problems, and crosswiring. 

l   Switch panels l   Turn signals
l   Brake lights l   Marker lights
l   ICC lights l   Clearance lights
l   Reverse lights l   Reverse alarms
l   Beacon lights l   Flood lights
l   Work lights l   Flashers
l   Tractor lights l   Complete light bars
l   Magnetic tow lights l   Tow light plugs
l   Fuses & fuse blocks l   Junction boxes
l   Solenoids l   Halogen bulbs
l   Jumper cable kits l   Relays
l   12V toggle switches l   License plate lights
l   Remote controls l   Rollback deck harness cable
l   Circuit breakers l   Relays
l   Lenses for light bars l   Rear television systems
l   Import taillight converters l   PTO lights